Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Searching and Locating a Lion is Fun - Quick three hour Safari in Masai Mara

Day 6 of Kenya Trip (Day three at Masai Mara)

It was our 6th day in Kenya and third day at Masai Mara. We had a window up to 0930 for safari (as our permit was to expire at 1000 hrs) but three out of our team of 5 were not keen on getting up early but being hardcore travellers, I and my daughter decided to take our chances and go for early morning safari.

The park opens for visitors at 0630 and we were on the dot. The first thing that greeted us was the glory of morning sun and the pristine golden sky.

Peeping Sun

The grand peaceful Morning scene

Going deeper into the Forest, we encountered a charged atmosphere. One Cheetah was on the prowl and was testing various herds for identifying his potential kill.

Savannah grassland makes it very easy to photograph objects from a distance, here is the Cheetah in the backdrop of Umbrella Acacia tree.

The herd and the Cheetah are testing each other's patience

Jackals are the Side Kicks of Cheetah. See how one of them is imitating Cheetah

Itni Badi Mahafil aur ek kill, Isko Lu ya Uska Lu?
We waited for almost 45 minutes but the tussel was on and the Cheetah going for kill looked a remote possibality at this time. We were on a time constrained safari and we had to wind it up by 0930. We decided to move on.

My daughter had been asking me for last two days that Eric takes us to Lion when he gets information from other guides. Why he does not track any Lion heimself. Though I did not tell Eric this, he seems to have sixth sense. he keept driving us deeper and it looked a aimless driving. The reality was different.

After some time and after a tyrn he told us to look out for something walkng ahead of  us.  Lo and behold! it was a huge Lion walking ahead of us looking for a shade to settled down to rest.

Soon he found a tree and sat down. Knowing nature of Lions, it was evident that the Lion is here to stay for long time. However, our happiness was because of the fact that we were the first one to locate the Lion and stayed the only vehicle for over 15 minutes before second and subsequent vehicles to come there, obiviously because of our guide Eric informing othres.

After about half an hour there, we started our return journey. Masai Mara was teaming with all kind of wildlife and we had our own fill viewing to our heart's contained.

As we were heading towards exit, the wildlife was going away from us. Bidding goodbye to these magnificent creatures of the wild, the Lions, Lionesses, Cheetahs, Leopards, Zebras, Giraffes, etc we returned to our lodge.

After haing breakfast, we moved out of the lodge and started our journey to Nairobi where we were staying for a day.

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